Spot on! DeSantis is awesome. What he would do to Biden or Harris on the debate stage. It would not be pretty.
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WATCH DeSANTIS DESTROY DEMS ON MASKS: ‘The Science Didn’t Change —The Political Science Changed’
Spot on! DeSantis is awesome. What he would do to Biden or Harris on the debate stage. It would not be pretty.

The medical science on forced masking children didn’t change — the political science did. In Florida, we never imposed state mask ...

Return to Nazi Roots: Dutch university staff ordered to disclose ties to Jewish groups
Holland has returned to its old stomping grounds — comfortable again to indulge their dark, monstrous impulses.

Lest we forget, Holland embraced the Nazi initiative with depraved enthusiasm. The Netherlands had the the highest number of ...

Rep. Tlaib’s campaign pays $170K to genocidal antisemite
Rep. Rashida Tlaib is a thug. One of the most racist and dangerous people in the United States. When the Republican Party takes control of Congress in January 2023, they should strip both Tlaib and Omar of their committee assignments.

Rep. ...

Biden says he rejects findings of Army report on Afghanistan
Americans are still left behind in Afghanistan. This scumbag has blood on his hands.

Watch below.


— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) February 11, 2022

Biden says he rejects findings of Army report on ...

Biden Slammed Over Embarrassing Moment During NBC News Interview: ‘This Man Has The Nuclear Football’
Another disastrous public appearance by a weak and diminished President Biden. Biden was flustered, frustrated, and confused in his interview with NBC's Lester Holt. To the millions of Americans who voted against President Trump because they didn't ...

Senators raise alarm about secret CIA spying program on Americans
The Democrats are fascists. They have weaponized our intel agencies against proud Americans.

Senators raise alarm about secret CIA data-collection program

by Ryan King, The Washington Examiner | February 10, 2022:

Declassified documents ...

Israeli Cab Driver Nearly Lynched After Entering Nablus
Palestinians enter Israel every day. They are free to roam the country as they wish. But if an Israeli enters an area controlled by the Palestinian Authority they will be lynched. That's the real apartheid. Not the lies from the Amnesty ...

Judge blocks schools from enforcing Democrat Gov. Pritzker’s mask, vaccine mandates, refers to policies as ‘type of evil’
Of course the Democrat Governor is vowing to appeal. The party of misery.

Judge blocks schools from enforcing Pritzker's mask, vaccine mandates, refers to policies as 'type of evil'

Gov. Pritzker to appeal

By Greg Bishop | The Center ...

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