
Here’s how we got to where we are in the impeachment inquiry of President Trump:

FIRST: On September 24th, Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced her plans to launch a formal impeachment inquiry of President Trump, saying, “The president must be held accountable.”

THEN: Over a dozen key witnesses testified to impeachment investigators behind closed doors. And House Democrats found that the evidence warranted the continuation of the inquiry.

NOW: This morning, the House Intelligence Committee is holding the first public hearing of the inquiry, an important next step in taking the case against Donald Trump to the American public.

I support House Democrats’ efforts to give the American people the opportunity to evaluate witnesses in the impeachment inquiry for themselves, not through the lens of party leaders on either side of the aisle. If you agree, click here to add your name next to mine.

We need a process that is honorable, gets to the facts, and seeks to bring our country together. And that is exactly what House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff and House Democrats are doing by inviting the American people to learn the facts directly from witnesses.

They are running these proceedings in a way that puts partisan politics aside and sets up a process that builds consensus by ensuring the American people see all of the evidence against Donald Trump.

Because the people deserve to know the truth -- that's why a transparent impeachment inquiry is not only critical, it’s part of our moral obligation as Americans.

If you support House Democrats for protecting the integrity of the impeachment inquiry by opening up the hearings to the American people, add your name next to mine here.



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