Hi John,

Welcome to this week's e-News.

In this edition, read why our RESTORE PERSONHOOD Campaign is so important for the forthcoming Election for the NI Assembly.

Also our response to a High Court ruling that will be used by the Northern Ireland Secretary of State to force more abortion legislation from Westminster on Northern Ireland.

Our weekly Street Outreach will be in Belfast on Saturday. Come along and be a voice for the unborn babies by helping us distribute our campaign leaflets.

And our peaceful Pro-Life Outreaches will be outside abortion centres in Belfast, Derry, Newry and Coleraine this coming week. Join us for an hour to witness and pray for the unborn babies in Northern Ireland who are under the threat of abortion.

For more information, give us a call on 02890278484 or email [email protected]

Best regards,

The Precious Life Communications Team
Why "RESTORE PERSONHOOD" must be the Number 1 issue in the NI Assembly Election
Pro-abortion MLAs must be "voted out" of our Assembly and replaced with politicians who will uphold the right to life of EVERY PERSON...

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Assembly Election Candidates must be challenged on Secretary of State's abortion plans
Precious Life has called on NI Assembly Members to protect babies in Northern Ireland and reject the Secretary of State’s attempt to force more abortion on the province. The call follows a High Court ruling where Mr Justice Colton rejected a challenge by pro-life campaigners to Brandon Lewis’ powers to impose a deadline on Stormont for putting in place a centralised system for killing babies before birth...

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