
We saw last week what happened when Democrats organize together for positive change. We had huge wins in Virginia and Kentucky — reminding us not to write off any part of the country, not to ignore any pockets of voters, and never to underestimate the power of the grassroots.

Now we’re looking to repeat that playbook in battleground states and key races across the country between now and next November. We’ve been meeting with candidates and talking to campaigns in targeted districts to try to solidify the teams we’re going to be helping, but we’re leaning on you for resources.

Now that we’re halfway through the fourth quarter, with the mid-quarter deadline on Friday, we’ve set a $25,000 online goal for this team. Can you make a contribution right now to help us hit this goal?

Our endorsed candidates will need your help to win. In Virginia, House Democrats received a ton of money from Democrats across the country who care about what happens in our statehouses.

And that money mattered. A lot.

So whatever you can give towards our $25,000 online goal would be a huge help right now.

Thank you,

Team Moulton