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Grantmakers as Changemakers: Lead an equity revolution

In our new edition of the Journal, PEAK’s Dolores Estrada leads a conversation with members Andrew Brown, Chindaly Chounlamountry Griffith, Adam Liebling, Miyesha Perry, and Ursula Stewart to explore how grantmakers can reenvision themselves and leverage their positions to drive racial equity.


PEAK2022 Online Scholarship Opportunities

We offer scholarships to ensure that all philanthropy professionals who are interested in driving equity through grantmaking practice change may attend this event. We invite PEAK members to apply by March 2.


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February 15
PEAK Community Conversation: Driving Racial Equity in Philanthropy

February 16

Cafecito Hour: 2022 intention setting (PEAK Latinx Caucus)

February 17
Monthly Coffee Hour
(PEAK Pacific Northwest)

February 17
Grants Management Professional Competency Model Deep Dive (PEAK Rocky Mountain)

February 17
Building Your Legacy: Knowledge management in the age of digital records (PEAK Northeast and PEAK Southwest)  

February 24
Strengthening American Democracy Through Voter Engagement (PEAK Minnesota)

February 24

PEAK AAPI Caucus Happy Hour


Weekly Reads

“To amplify their capacity to accomplish what matters most to communities—especially those comprised of the BIPOC populations that have been historically disadvantaged—most of the place-based funders we know understand the need to work with a diverse array of stakeholders across their regions, especially community members, to achieve something that would likely be impossible to realize on their own. But it’s often easier said than done.” [more]
Debby Bielak and Marion Michieka, The Bridgespan Group, for The Center for Effective Philanthropy

“Network leaders connect diverse stakeholders and foster learning and action to advance a shared purpose. They are there not to tell people what to do but to support them to discover what they can accomplish together. Rather than defining rigid structures and rules, network leaders nurture a culture of reciprocity. Instead of command and control, network leaders seek to connect and collaborate. … In short, they are stewards of the network and its purpose. Network leadership is the fine art of taking responsibility for an endeavor while sharing that responsibility completely with others.” [more]
David Ehrlichman, Converge, for Stanford Social Innovation Review

“[CEP's recent report Foundations Respond to Crisis: Lasting Change? surfaces an interesting paradox in philanthropic practice.] On the one hand, 76 percent of foundation leaders said they are changing reporting requirements to reduce the burden on grantees. On the other hand, 40 percent of foundation leaders said they are increasing their demographic data collection. Of course, it is possible for both things to be true. However, if foundation leaders are not careful, they may end up simply shifting the burden from one part of the application process to another. One way we’re trying to help address this paradox at Candid is by inviting foundations to leverage Candid’s demographic data rather than asking nonprofits to fill out additional demographic information as part of a grantee application.” [more]
Cathleen Clerkin, Candid, for the Center for Effective Philanthropy

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