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Hi friend,

The Great North Run ballot is OPEN!

Want to be part of #TeamJDC at the iconic Great North Run on 11 September 2022? There is only two weeks until the ballot closes - enter now!

For the last 13 years, Jubilee Debt supporters have been taking on the challenge and have raised thousands of pounds for the fight for debt justice. This year I will be taking on that challenge too, and so could you!

The first step is to put your name in the ballot (it costs £59) - then let us know what happens. If you aren’t offered a place, we’ve been given a few reserved spaces especially for Jubilee Debt Campaign supporters.

Will you join me and our team of Great North runners?

Yes, count me in!

Doing the Great North Run is a fun and exciting way to do fundraising for our movement, and there is no minimum amount that you need to raise either. 

Don't worry if you can't join as a runner this year, you can still support #TeamJDC by sponsoring or sending well wishes to a runner, like me. (I'll need all the support I can get - I don't run and generally don't do exercise!)

The ballot will be drawn on Monday 21 February so there is only a few weeks to throw your hat in the ring - or should I say, to get in the running.

All the best,
Executive Director, Jubilee Debt Campaign

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