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Friday, February 11th, 2022


American Thought Police

Kyle Shideler

Justin Trudeau’s Ceauşescu Moment

Matt Taibbi

Why ‘Critical Mass’ Is an Awful Goal

Allan Stevo

The ‘Future of Virtual Healthcare’, as Envisioned by the Current Crop of Big Pharma ‘s Profiteering CEOs

Gary G. Kohls, MD

International Group of Attorneys Proceed With Covid-19 Crimes Against Humanity Grand Jury

Humans Are Free

The Unicultural Edge

Steve Sailer

‘Assistance’ Technology

Eric Peters

Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors Hear an Earful From the Public

Steve Kirsch

The Battle for Freedom in Canada Is Not Over, But at the Moment the Truckers Are Ahead

Paul Craig Roberts

Email From a Poisonous Moron

Jon Rappoport

Homeland Security’s New ‘Terrorism Advisory’

Steve Smith

Trudeau Gets Absolutely ROASTED to His Face by Conservative Leader


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Political Theatre
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