Hello Supporter,
Saturday November 16
The Trump/Pence Regime poses a catastrophic danger to humanity.
Concentration camps on the border…Environmental devastation accelerated…Danger of war, even nuclear, threatened…White supremacy rules…Fascist mobs and racist mass murderers…Truth and science erased…Right to abortion near gone…Rule of law and democratic and civil rights are stripped away…THIS IS FASCISM UNFOLDING.
If you are anguished by what the Trump/Pence regime has already done and filled with dread for the future, will you bury your hopes and conscience? Or, will you join us in protest? Come on out and make a real difference. NOW IS THE TIME.
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In the Name of Humanity, We REFUSE to Accept a Fascist America!
Political lines are drawn. Impeachment hearings have begun.
We must not be spectators...it's time for the people to act.
Public televised hearings to impeach Trump begin today. Sharp political lines are drawn with high stakes. Trump and Pence have ordered the Republicans to obstruct the hearings. Yet, the Democratic leadership has all but conceded that Trump will not be removed by the Senate.
What can change all of this? WE CAN – the power of the people taking to the streets in sustained non-violent protest raising one simple and unifying demand: Trump/Pence #OUTNOW! And then, continuing week after week all across the country growing in numbers and determination until this demand is met.
What can you do?
>>Find a protest or make your own
>>DONATE to spread #OutNOW. Only $3008 needed to reach first $50,000 goal.
Gather your friends, your school, place of worship, community, organization, and come out this Saturday. Spread the word. Let's show people in this country and the world that we will not adjust to the injustice and crimes of Trump and Pence. We will protest again and again until this regime is gone.
There's still a chance to stop a regime that imperils humanity and the planet.
Let’s stand together with conviction and courage overcoming fear and uncertainty, to struggle with all we've got to demand:
Trump/Pence #OUTNOW!
For more on the #OUTNOW Movement and RefuseFascism.org which initiated this movement, visit RefuseFascism.org
Wednesday #OutNOW Webinar November 13
9:00 pm EST 6:00 pm PST
Hear from leaders & organizers of #OutNOW protests, including people who have joined in the last 4 weeks.
We are all working on how to bring sustained, mass non-violent protest when it's needed most.
>>Register here. You can view online, listen by phone, or view on Facebook Live

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