We couldn't have done it without your support.

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Dear John,

The time to act is now. Every day, Canadians are experiencing the devastating effects of climate change. From extreme weather events, to frequent flooding and forest fires, to disappearing species' habitats - it's all happening right before our eyes. But today, there's a feeling of hope, and knowledge that with hard work our goals are finally within reach.

It's thanks to you and your fellow Environmental Defence supporters that we were able to achieve more than we thought possible this year, but we still need your support for the year ahead. Your year-end donation will go twice as far because our volunteer Board of Directors has generously offered to match your gift!

Just take a look at what your support helped us accomplish together in 2019.  And make sure you keep an eye out for our upcoming ambitious 2020 Wish List! We hope you will take up our Board of Directors on their generous offer to match your year-end gift.

With gratitude,

Tim Gray
Executive Director

P.S. If you have already made your tax receiptable year-end donation, thank you!


Environmental Defence Canada - 116 Spadina Avenue, Suite 300, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2K6

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