Recommendations for 23 Counties!
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We have worked so hard for this Primary Election!  Why? Because in Texas where Republicans have a stronghold, the Primary Election right now is what decides who will win the General Election in Nov.  THIS is our chance to put the most conservative candidate forward.  Yeah, it involves some in-fighting.  So?  That's the nature of the beast, and we are big enough to deal with it.  Happens every two years.  We keep on educating and hope to see results at the polls.

So here's some help.  Please use these links and tools and share with everyone who is like-minded!


*Printable flyers with our voting recommendations are on every county's page.  These print 2-up and are great for printing in bulk and handing out around your neighborhood or at the polls. It is legal to take these into the polling booth with you.  Share!


Folks, we've been doing this a long time.  We know things the average voter does not.  We research.  We watch.  We don't depend on the news, politicians and commercials.  We deal with facts, and the facts aren't very pretty for Abbott.  Get educated, and educate others!  We don't have the luxury of time any more when it comes to saving Texas.

  • Work the polls!  This may mean a paid position within your county to ensure secure elections, or it may mean volunteering for a candidate. 

Check out this awesome Tarrant team volunteering with their kids!  It really can be fun. I assure you that finding enough volunteers to cover all those polling locations for all those early voting dates/hours is a beating.  Be generous.  Candidates have been working hard.  Help them finish well.  Who will you help?

  • Become a delegate!  The first step to attending the TX State GOP Convention this summer happens NOW, during the Primary Election. 

After the Primary on March 1, your precinct (your neighborhood) will hold a Precinct Convention. Sometimes these happen as soon as the polls close at your assigned polling location. Sometimes these happen on another evening or a Saturday just past the Primary Election.  Your County GOP will be able to tell you when and where to meet.  Pretty much nobody knows about them, and almost nobody shows up.  In fact, you may be the only person there!  At that meeting, you will submit any resolutions for the GOP platform (defining what we believe as a party), and you will vote to see who gets to go to the next level: the Senatorial Convention (sometimes called a County Convention in more rural areas).  It's at this convention that you'll decide who goes to State Convention.  And State Convention is a lot of fun, so you should go!  It's where the grassroots rule the day and force the GOP to listen to us!  The convention process ends here for 2022, but during presidential election years, this is where you can try to become a National GOP Delegate -- and that's pretty cool. 

Ok, folks -- we all have homework to do. 

  1. Spread the voter guides around. 
  2. Tell others why Abbott must go.
  3. Volunteer to work the polls for a candidate.
  4. Find out where and when your Precinct Convention is being held and make plans to attend.

Thank you for being involved!  It takes ALL of us!
Julie McCarty, volunteer CEO

PS.  How about a Step 5?  Get your tickets to the best party of the year, and support TTP at the same time!  You will NOT be disappointed. 



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