What’s your dog’s lifespan? For years, it’s generally been accepted that "dog years" are roughly human years times seven, but it's actually much more complicated, say experts. The Dog Aging Project is examining canine longevity, enrolling tens of thousands of dogs of all breeds and backgrounds in the first long-term study to perhaps help our four-legged friends live longer, Mic reports. To enroll your dog in the “pack” of canine citizen scientists, visit https://dogagingproject.org. (Related: Dogs are even more like us than we thought)
Gorillas test positive for COVID: Five lowland western gorillas at the Dallas Zoo have tested positive for COVID-19, according to the Dallas Morning News. The USDA says about 350 pets and captive animals have tested positive during the pandemic.
Humbertium covidum: Scientists have named a flatworm after COVID-19. The slick, black hammerhead flatworm, which is invasive, kills native earthworms and snails, and makes the soil less fertile. Why in the world was it named after COVID? Because it was discovered during the pandemic. Read more in The Cut.
Quiz: Think you’re smart? Hip to the littlest type of a certain species that was just discovered? Love a Florida icon? Take this week’s Nat Geo News Quiz. And share the quiz with a friend—or, try another!
The people’s choice: A frozen lake. Willow branches reflecting off the ice. This image won the Wildlife Photographer of the Year People’s Choice Award from London's Natural History Museum, CNN reports. See it here. And check out, if you haven’t, Nat Geo’s best animal photos of 2021.