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Dear Friend,

Lunch with Lord Daniel Hannan in Jackson

Daniel Hannan is a British Lord, a Fox News contributor, and most important of all, a true friend of America. I am delighted to say that he is coming to Jackson. 

Please come to listen to Lord Daniel Hannan speak over lunch here in Jackson at River Hills on March 1st.

America was founded on the innovative idea that each of us holds inalienable rights. That helps explain why the United States became one of the first societies on earth where people came to be defined by their character and ability, rather than by hierarchy or what they were born.
With "woke" ideologues demanding that we are defined as either oppressors or the oppressed, the idea of the individual is under attack. This risks ending the Enlightenment and if that were to happen, America would, in the words of Ronald Reagan, "sentence our children to take the first steps into a thousand years of darkness."
Come and hear Lord Hannan explain how we can, as the 40th President put it, ensure the American Republic remains "the last best hope of man on earth."

Tickets cost $25 each. Spaces are limited and will sell fast, so please book yours now.
I look forward to seeing you at what promises to be a wonderful event.

Warm Regards,

Douglas Carswell
President & CEO
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