From True Texas Project <[email protected]>
Subject A True Texas Christmas!
Date November 13, 2019 3:38 AM
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True Texas Project is a 501(c)4 organization.
TTP PAC is the Political Action Committee for True Texas Project.
Friends and fellow patriots,

Registration for our Christmas party is now up! Here's the cool thing... The funds raised at this party go toward a scholarship fund. Know what that means? While all the educrat crowd will get up and yak on and on about their liberal agenda at Baccalaureate, True Texas Project will then get up and recognize students for championing conservative causes within the public education system. Gotta love that.

Plus we just love hanging out together.
Julie McCarty, CEO
True Texas Project

** Dec 9: A True Texas Christmas Party!
December 9, 2019
6pm - 8pm
The Home of Tim and Christen OHare
1961 E Highland St
Southlake TX
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Merry Christmas to our True Texas family! We want to celebrate the season with you.

True Texas Project is hosting a Christmas party in the lovely home of Tim & Christen O’Hare on Monday, December 9, from 6-8pm. We hope you will join us for a time of festive fellowship!

We are requesting a minimum donation of $25 per person, as we are using this event to build a scholarship fund for a high school senior. This is just one way we are impacting the youth with our True Texas vision. You may pay online or at the door.

All are welcome!

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*Nov 22 - Joint Happy Hour w/ True TX & Empower Texans
*Dec 9 ([link removed]) - TTP Christmas party!

*Jan 13 ([link removed]) - Obey The Governing Authorities?
*Jan 28 ([link removed]) - dinner at Kincaids in Southlake
*Feb 10 ([link removed]) - Confederate History
*Feb 25 - dinner at TBD
*Mar 9 - Massey Campos returns!
*Mar 24 ([link removed]) - dinner at Cane's in Euless
*Apr 13 - TBD
*Apr 28 - dinner at TBD
*May 11 - TBD
*May 26 - dinner at TBD
*Jun 8 - TBD
*Jun 23- dinner at TBD
*Jul 13 - TBD
*Jul 28- dinner at TBD
*Aug 10 - Keeping Their Faith (kids in public schools)
*Aug 25- dinner at TBD
*Sep 14 - TBD
*Sep 22 - dinner at TBD
*Oct 12 - TBD
*Oct 27 - dinner at TBD
*Nov 9 - TBD
*Dec 14 - Christmas Party

We meet the 2nd Monday of every month at 6000 Hawk Ave, NRH.
5:30 - prayer meeting
5:45 - $5 dinner while it lasts
6:30 - meeting begins
8:00 - meeting ends

We also have group dinners at various restaurants in the area on the 4th Tuesday of most months. Watch the calendar!
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