Colombia's Amazon indigenous groups train youth to defend rainforest

Creating a next generation of Amazon indigenous leaders is key to preserving fast-vanishing tropical forests. Here's how remote communities are trying

Poet-politican: first Black trans American to run a city council

Andrea Jenkins, first openly trans Black city council leader aims to shake up politics - one poem at a time

Pandemic propels workers closer to four-day week

Workers are putting in longer hours than ever. Could a four-day week allow them to reclaim their time?

The rise in climate anxiety: Expert tips on how to beat it

Young people are most at risk in a growing climate mental health crisis. What's the best way to tackle anxiety about the planet?

Fact Check: Highly virulent variant of HIV circulating in the Netherlands predates COVID-19 pandemic

After Twitter users wrongly claim HIV variant originated in COVID-19 vaccine, researchers quash the myth

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