John, our fight for reproductive rights is far from over.
The Supreme Court is now stacked with conservative judges who have been biding their time for years to roll back the protections granted by Roe v. Wade.
Thankfully, abortion rights were firmly enshrined in Illinois law in 2019. However, it’s estimated as many as half of all states - including many of Illinois’ neighbors - will choose to outlaw or severely restrict abortion if Roe v. Wade were to be weakened or overturned.
With more restrictions in neighboring states, we can expect an increase in the number of people who come to Illinois, specifically Chicago, for abortion care. This is no surprise to our local pro-choice activists and leaders, many of whom have been welcoming and protecting women for years.
As a former board member of NARAL, I could not be prouder to say: We will always, unapologetically, respect and support a woman's right to choose.
Will you please join me in the fight to defend reproductive rights by chipping in today?
Thank you for all you do,

— Mayor Lori E. Lightfoot 










Lightfoot for Chicago
100 W. Kinzie
Suite 325
Chicago IL 60654 United States



