Student loan debt is an economic, social, and racial justice issue.
When we saw this headline in Forbes, we already had our answers ready.

Here’s what will happen:
- Immediate financial relief for more than 42 million Americans
- At least $108 billion infused into our economy
- 1.2 million new jobs created annually
Student loan debt is an economic, social, and racial justice issue. Canceling it would mean a measure of relief and justice for so many, plus a boon to the economy.
Can you chip in $3 to fuel Pramila’s advocacy for student loan debt relief? If Pres. Biden takes action, we’ll see relief for millions, jobs, and economic stimulus.
Chip in $3
Pramila is advocating for President Biden to take action to alleviate the student loan debt that so many people are struggling with, and that disproportionately impacts Black and brown folks.
We know canceling student loan debt will help the economy. We know it will provide hope to young people across this country and it is the right thing to do. And it's something that is universally popular, not just with Democrats, but with independents and Republicans.
Fuel Pramila’s fight to cancel student loan debt today with a donation of $3 or anything at all. With one swipe of the pen, Pres. Biden can deliver relief and jobs to millions of people.
We can, and must, get this done.
In solidarity,
Team Jayapal