Forgiveness is the right thing to do.
We cannot understate the economic danger and risk for our country if President Biden does not make the emergency pause on federal student loan payments permanent.
Forcing millions of borrowers to restart student debt payments would not only threaten our country’s economic recovery, but would be unethical in light of the economic hardships faced by this generation.

Forgiveness is the right thing to do. And that’s why Alexandria spoke to Yahoo! Finance about keeping up the pressure on President Biden to go further on his campaign promise and permanently forgive at least $50,000 in federal student loan debt for the millions of Americans crushed under this economic burden.
If you agree that it’s time for President Biden to keep his promise to cancel student loan debt — please help our movement keep up the pressure on his administration by making a contribution of any amount today in support of permanent student debt cancellation.
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Your contribution will send a powerful message that the country is united in demanding student loan debt cancellation NOW.
President Biden made student loan forgiveness a major talking point while campaigning for President in 2020, yet he continues to put off keeping his promise.
At such a delicate point in our country’s post-COVID economic recovery, to restart payments that are essentially the size of a mortgage payment, sometimes even larger, on a generation that has already been so devastated by rising costs of education, rent, and homes and stagnated wages, could throw off balance what is already a very fragile recovery.
Federal student loan payments are set to re-start on May 1 — so we have no time to lose.
If you’re able to, please make a contribution right now to help our movement keep up the pressure on President Biden to do not only what’s in the best interest of our nation’s economic recovery, but also what is morally right: cancel student loan debt permanently.
Thank you,
Team AOC