Dear friend,

Another anti-choice, Trump Republican jumped in the MassGOP’s gubernatorial primary: Chris Doughty. And his initial pitch to Massachusetts voters tells us everything we need to know. 

He voted for Donald Trump: By 2020, Donald Trump was a clear threat to our health, safety, and democracy. He welcomed white supremacists into the White House, he was impeached for trying to undermine our election, and he let COVID-19 rage unchecked across the country. But none of that stopped Chris Doughty from voting for him.

He’s anti-choice: With reproductive rights under attack across the country, Massachusetts codified and expanded abortion access in 2020. Still, Chris Doughty peddles anti-choice misinformation to justify depriving people access to reproductive healthcare. 
With the GOP primary shaping up to be a contest of the worst of the worst Massachusetts Republicans, we need your help making sure none of them make it to the Corner Office. Will you chip in $3, $5, $10, or whatever you can, to elect a Democratic governor this November?

Gus Bickford
Chair, Massachusetts Democratic Party
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