Today, the Violence Against Women Act was introduced in the Senate.
Tomorrow, let's get it passed.
I’m writing with good news! This afternoon, Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Joni Ernst (R-IA), Richard Durbin (D-IL) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) introduced the Violence Against Women Act Reauthorization Act of 2022 in the U.S. Senate. VAWA 2022 will make our country stronger and safer by making significant investments in prevention and healing. As violence increases and people continue to struggle with the stress and trauma of the pandemic, we’ve never needed that more.
The U.S. House of Representatives reauthorized this essential, life-saving legislation last March, so Senate action is long, long overdue.
VAWA 2022 is truly landmark legislation. It responds to the very real, urgent needs of survivors and communities across the country, enhancing and expanding services for survivors, investing in culturally specific organizations, improving access to justice for survivors – and preventing future violence.
It’s a bipartisan bill that invests in programs that engage children and youth, men and boys, and those on college campuses. It includes Bree’s Law, legislation to prevent dating violence named after Bree Moore. It expands the work to prevent sexual violence and harassment online. It strengthens health programs. It expands the rights of Tribes to prosecute people who sexually assault or abuse Native Women and children. It increases funding for the Rape Prevention and Education Program.
In so many ways, VAWA 2022 holds promise to stop violence against women and children and make our communities safer. I know you agree that passing this bill is an urgent priority. So, please, click on this link TODAY to tell your Senators to cosponsor and pass the Violence Against Women Act. If your Senator is one of the original cosponsors of the bill, please thank her or him.
In solidarity,
Esta Soler
Founder & President