Stop the Formosa Plastics Petrochemical Plant

Stop the Formosa Plastics Petrochemical Plant!

Dear John,

International giant Formosa Plastics wants to build a massive petrochemical complex on the banks of the Mississippi River in St. James Parish, Louisiana. They’re calling it the “Sunshine Project” and they need Bank of America to help fund it. 

We need your voice: Tell Bank of America to abandon the toxic Formosa Plastics Sunshine Project.

St. James Parish is home to a majority-Black community. It’s also called “Cancer Alley” because chemical and energy facilities pollute the air, water, and soil, and because local community members face higher rates of cancer. The Sunshine Project would emit more than 13 million tons of greenhouse gasses each year — the equivalent of operating three coal plants. 

The Formosa Plastics project would release thousands of tons of smog-forming pollutants per year that can trigger or worsen asthma and other respiratory ailments. In addition, this proposed project would desecrate graves of people once enslaved on the sugar cane plantations that operated on the site. The United Nations Office of the High Commissioner on Human Rights has condemned the project, calling it an egregious example of environmental racism.

Take action to stop Formosa Plastics’ Sunshine Project today!

Formosa Plastics needs a lot of money to build this massive petrochemical plant, and Bank of America is the most likely U.S. financier. With a giant $12 billion price tag, Formosa Plastics won’t be able to build the complex without Bank of America.  

Sign the petition to demand Bank of America not fund Formosa Plastics’ Sunshine Project.

The plastic waste problem is out of control: the equivalent of two garbage trucks full of plastic waste is dumped into our oceans every minute. St. James Parish doesn’t want more environmental racism and pollution. And the U.S. doesn’t need another massive factory pumping out plastics.

Thank you for taking action,

Kaitlyn Joshua
Gulf Coast Campaigner, Earthworks


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