
When we won our election in TX-24, no one expected us to beat the Democrats. Because of this, I have been tasked with bringing conservative and representative leadership to the North Texas districts still run by radical Democrats.

North Texans are facing too many Leftist challenges. They have seen their elected officials betray the values of our state by putting the Biden Administration, vaccine mandates, and a Socialist agenda above the needs of the Lone Star State.
The people of North Texas deserve so much better than to be put last by radical leadership. They deserve to have robust and outspoken leadership who’ll put them first and ensure all our families live in a safe, free, and prosperous region.

Everyone deserves to have their voices heard in America’s Congress. But the Radical Left cancels and threatens the voices of America First patriots - which is why I am fighting so hard to give them the representation they deserve! 
Time is running out, and I will need your help to make a difference - Can you pitch in and help me take back North Texas from the Radical Left?

For Texas and America, 
Beth Van Duyne