Cease Fire PA Action



I’m honored to be part of CeaseFirePA’s twenty year history of standing against gun violence. We’ve disarmed abusers and expanded background checks. We’ve stopped an extreme gun lobby from ensuring anyone can carry a concealed gun in shopping malls and neighborhoods.

Still, this is a long fight with more lives lost every day. You only have to read a paper to hear of the latest family torn apart. This catastrophic reality demands we build on our history so we can ensure everyone can live a life free from gun violence. After months of conversations with allies, elected officials and supporters, we’re ready to unveil our new vision: a life free from gun violence.

If you share our goal, check out our new website as we explore the true cost of this crisis and what we must do to address it. Then, reply to this email to let me know what you think.

Everyday the General Assembly refuses to enact simple solutions, people die. It’s why we organize with communities closest to the issue, hold those in power accountable and maximize the strengths of every member in its broad coalition.

After conversations with doctors, veterans, survivors and faith leaders we launched the Common Agenda to End Gun Violence. This diverse coalition is focused on bringing people together who lose loved ones to gun violence from Philadelphia to Wayne to Fulton County, and everywhere in between, to address each aspect of gun violence. Learn more about our partners and what they are saying.

Community violence in cities from Erie to Harrisburg have made the risk of being shot part of daily life. By investing in community-led efforts, we can interrupt this cycle of violence and save lives. We won $65 million in funds in the last year, but even more will be necessary to slash shootings by 50%. Here’s how that funding saves lives.

We combine a deep conviction that a safer PA is possible with extensive knowledge to help you understand the consequences of gun violence and how we can end it. We refuse to allow legislators to ignore life-saving solutions as parents mourn. We’re connecting allies together to demand action. And, each step of the way we’ll relentlessly advocate for the solutions Pennsylvanians deserve.

I am unwilling to lose this long fight — regardless of obstacles and setbacks. If you believe in this movement and share our goal, join us so that not another life will be lost to gun violence.

Your aggressive advocate for a safer PA,

Adam Garber




P.O. Box 60095  | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19102
215-923-3151 | [email protected]

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