Hear informative panel discussions on:
CEQA at 52: Removing Barriers to Construction and Opportunities for Reform
The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) is one of the prime contributors to the state’s housing woes. The authors of PRI’s new study will discuss how CEQA logjams hurt poor and minority communities, and ideas to reform the law.
Stemming California’s Outmigration
Policy experts and lawmakers explore how bad the state's outmigration problem is, and how market-based reforms can stop businesses, human capital, economic output, and tax revenue from leaving the state.
California Burning – On Wildfires, Power Blackouts, and Water
Legislators and policy experts discuss policy reform ideas to prevent future wildfires or significantly reduce their severity in the state's most fire-prone areas, boost water supply, and prevent disruptive and unnecessary power outages this summer.