
We’ve already seen phenomenal wins across the country in 2018 and 2019 at the city, state and federal levels. The presidential election is getting a lot of attention, but today is National Run for Office Day — and we want to make sure you’re thinking about all the other exciting elections in 2020, up and down the ballot.

In fact, we want you to do more than think about it. If you’ve ever considered running for office, there’s no better day than today to commit to run. We all need to stand up and make sure our voices are heard in all levels of elected office. And if we learned anything from the 2018 midterms, it’s that everyone can run for office. And anyone who puts in the work can win.

We all have the power to be the change we want to see. We just have to step up and do the work.

Serve America is working right now to find great new service-related candidates in 2020. Help us support these new candidates with a donation today.


Oh, and there’s no better time to recruit friends and family who might want to run for office than during the holidays. Please take a minute to help get the word out when you’re with family and friends later this month.

Thank you!

Team Moulton