Dear John --

With Labour weekend now behind us it's safe to say we're in the run up to Christmas and summer.

It's a busier time than usual for many as they prepare for the influx of holiday makers who spend time and money in our region each summer.

I’ve been busy around the electorate and at Parliament too but the Labour-led Government hasn’t been.

They told us this was to be the ‘year of delivery’ … in fact it’s been exactly the opposite.

For the Government it’s been a year of flip flops, back downs and policy u-turns.

That’s why confidence is so low and our economy has dramatically slowed down. Rural and provincial New Zealand is being ignored.

Important and planned roading projects in our region have been cancelled.

Katikati by-pass canned, the new four lane highway from Katikati to Tauranga and the much needed upgrade to a new highway from the bottom of the Bombay Hill to Mangatarata which would have by-passed Maramarua have all been cancelled so billions of dollars can be spent on slow trams along Auckland’s Dominion Road and other pet projects in Auckland.

Roll on next year’s General Election.

Click the button below for more details of what I've been up to over recent weeks.  


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Hon Scott Simpson

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