
Across the country, we are seeing with our own eyes how authoritarians in the Republican party work to deny children the opportunity to access books that teach them about some of the most pressing topics of our time.

In fact, from Texas to Tennessee books discussing topics ranging from race to sexual orientation are coming under fire and being outright banned in school districts nationwide.

It’s not just changing curriculums as some have suggested, many of these important books are being completely removed from school libraries.

Numerous districts are facing enormous pressure to remove Michelle Obama’s biography because some parents claim it is racist against white people.

With school boards threatening the ability of students to read about crucial topics on race, there has never been a more important time to speak up on this fight.

Join DFA as we tell Education Secretary Miguel Cardona: Use your power to fight against efforts to censor and ban books now!

Take Action

With an increasing push to censor and ban what books students have access to it’s clear that we have an education crisis, and Education Secretary Miguel Cardona needs to weigh in.

While the Department of Education does not have the authority to mandate that states adopt certain educational practices, under the Obama administration, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan used the department's influence to push 41 states and the District of Columbia to adopt Common Core standards, thus proving that the Secretary of Education has enormous influence to impact how school districts set policies.

Whether it is prohibiting and investigating discrimination, ensuring equal access to educational materials, or using his position to influence policies on the state and local level, as the Secretary of Education, Miguel Cardona has a huge role to play in ensuring books are not banned. 

Sign the Petition to Education Secretary Miguel Cardona: Use your power to fight against efforts to censor and ban books now!

Take Action

- Molly

Molly Goldberg
Development Manager
Democracy for America

DFA is kicking off our Flip the South work into full gear as we prepare to elect three standout progressive candidates in Texas.

And with Texas’s March 1st primary right around the corner, there is no time to waste.

We need you to join our team of incredible volunteers by signing up for a shift (or several shifts) now! >>