Take Action: Call the Senate Rules Committee TODAY.
Tomorrow, on Wednesday, February 9, 2022 at 1:30pm, the Senate Rules Committee will be meeting and referring SB 871 (COVID-19 Vaccine Requirement for Daycare/School) and SB 866 (Immunization Minor Consent)bills to committees. The more committees bills are referred to, the better.
Call the Senate Rules Committee TODAY: (916) 651-4120 and make the following request:
“Hi. My name is ***** and I live in *****. I am calling to ask that …
SB 871 be referred to the following three committees: Health, Education, and Judiciary
SB 866 be referred to the following two committees: Health and Judiciary
Thank you so much.”
Calling is best, but if you are not able to call, then please email: [email protected]
If you want to provide more information, feel free to add …
SB 871 should be referred to the Education Committee because 27% of teens (870,000 kids) and 65% of 5-11 year olds (2.3 million kids) are not currently vaccinated for COVID-19. This could lead to independent study options being overwhelmed. Also, if a large number of students leave the public school system, this will have a fiscal effect on schools.
SB 871 should also be referred to the Judiciary Committee as it is removing completely the Personal Beliefs Exemption. This removes the legislative process for adding future vaccine requirements for school attendance.
SB 866 should be referred to the Judiciary Committee because it removes the ability of parents to be involved in the medical treatment of their minor children.
Background: This Action Alert is urgent due to the Senate voting yesterday to waive the 30 day waiting period for taking action on bills that are introduced in regards to SB 871 and SB 866. This means the timeline is moved up for when these bills can be heard and voted on in committee and on the floor.
SB 871 Public health: immunizations (Pan): Would require the COVID-19 vaccine to attend in-person daycare and K-12 public or private school, starting January 1 2023. It would also remove the personal belief exemption from future CDPH added vaccines and removes the 7th grade exemption for Hepatitis B. (https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220SB871)
SB 866 Minors: vaccine consent (Weiner): Would remove parental consent and “authorize a minor 12 years of age or older to consent to vaccines that meet specified federal agency criteria. The bill would authorize a vaccine provider, as defined, to administer a vaccine pursuant to the bill, but would not authorize the vaccine provider to provide any service that is otherwise outside the vaccine provider’s scope of practice.” (https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=202120220SB866)
Call Today!
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Together we can make change happen!
Christina Hildebrand
A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Inc.
[email protected]
