Hi John,

Here's something I think we can all agree on: Guns don't belong in polling places!

To keep our polling places safe, Democrats in the Wisconsin legislature have just introduced an important bill. According to the Legislative Reference Bureau's analysis, "This bill prohibits carrying a firearm in or within 40 feet of a polling place or a location where election officials are conducting a canvass or a recount."

>>Click here. Urge your legislators to support this essential bill to keep guns out of polling places now!

There is an urgent need for this legislation, with the rise of disturbing rhetoric across the country urging violence and distrust of democratic processes. Just last week, a Republican candidate for the state senate in Michigan, Mike Detmer, encouraged supporters to go to the polls armed, if they do not like the election results. 

"If we can't change the tide...we need to be prepared to lock and load...So if you ask, 'What can we do?' Show up armed." - Mike Detmer (1)

Safe polls are essential for a functioning democracy. Urge your legislators to support AB 958 / SB 904 now.

Thank you,

(1) News One: GOP Candidate For Michigan State Senate Tells Group To 'Show Up Armed' At The Polls


WAVE Educational Fund
PO Box 170393 | Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53217
414-351-9283 | [email protected]

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