Celebrate the Nation’s 270,000+ Nurse Practitioners
The Future of Nursing: Campaign for Action salutes nurse practitioners during National Nurse Practitioner Week, November 10-16, and honors the many ways these exceptional health care providers help the public. The American Association of Nurse Practitioners offers ideas for how to celebrate the role of these important health care providers.
Congratulations to the 2019 Margie Ball-Cook Award Recipient
Colleagues at the Colorado Center for Nursing Excellence (CCNE) lauded “her hard and valuable work with mentors” in announcing that Amanda Quintana, DNP, RN, FNP, has earned the 2019 Margie Ball-Cook award. Quintana, project director at CCNE, was recognized by the Colorado Nurses Association for her exceptional efforts creating programs that support diversity in nursing.
Alabama Nursing Hall of Fame Inducts Coalition Leaders
Two of the six health care leaders just inducted into the Alabama Nursing Hall of Fame are part of the Alabama Action Coalition. Congratulations to all, especially Constance Hendricks, PhD, RN, FAAN, and Martha Dawson, DNP, RN, FACHE, who are among those who, “through their work and accomplishment, have brought honor and fame to the profession of nursing and the state of Alabama.”
Nurse, Scientist, Veteran Focuses on Female Veterans
The Military Women’s Health Research Interest Group, composed of nurse scientists from the Army, Navy, and Air Force, would not exist if it were not for one woman. Lori Trego, PhD, CNM, FAAN, founded it after she began working with service women returning from Bosnia. In a Q&A, Trego says the commander of a large infantry division told her, “We need this so badly.’”
“As the border between hospital and home blurs, and more care is shifting to community settings, family caregivers are paying the price,” write Susan C. Reinhard, PhD, RN, FAAN, and Heather M. Young, PhD, RN, FAAN, in the American Journal of Nursing. Nurses, they say, can help. The piece was inspired by AARP’s Home Alone: Family Caregivers Providing Complex Chronic Care study.
Onsite Health Team Allows Older Adults to Stay in Homes
A wellness nurse and care coordinator are part of a program that combines health care and housing to help older adults and people with disabilities live independently at home. Data show the Support and Services at Home (SASH) program, which benefits residents from Vermont’s subsidized housing complexes, works—and similar models are being tried in other states.
Future of Nursing 2020-2030: Health Care Industry to Weigh In
The National Academy of Medicine’s Future of Nursing 2020-2030 committee has invited health care industry leaders to discuss how they prioritize efforts to promote health equity, and invites the public to listen in. The November 20 webcast runs 9 to 11 a.m. ET, followed by a presentation by Lori Melichar, PhD, MA, of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.
All Invited to Monthly Calls About Food, Housing Initiatives
What are the best ways to address food and housing insecurity, which are often the root causes of other health problems? The Root Cause Coalition offers two learning cohorts, sponsored by the Robert Wood Johsnon, so those interested in health equity can, through webinars and teleconference calls, understand how to design, implement, and evaluate social determinant interventions.
Do people know how (and in how many ways) America’s more than 4 million nurses contribute to patients, communities, and our health care system? A new infographic published by HealthImpact, the co-lead organization of the California Action Coalition, spells it out. Download a QR code reader to read the supporting studies that are part of the poster.
Until recently, few nurses attended the annual Healthier Texas Summit—but that changed a few years ago, when the Texas Team Action Coalition showed up in force. This year, Texas Team co-leads Cindy Zolnierek, PhD, RN, CAE, and Thomas Maryon, DHA, presented on population health, and the Action Coalition awarded $500 stipends to 40 nursing faculty and students to attend.
Join the December Population Health and Education Call
Hear how population health can, and is, becoming part of nursing curricula, during the Campaign for Action teleconference that takes place every other month. Join educators, nurses, and others to listen in and contribute: The next call is Wednesday, December 18.
New - Apply for the 2020 Macy Faculty Scholars Program
Innovative midcareer nursing faculty members who are committed to a career in health professional education should consider applying for the 2020 Macy Faculty Scholars Program. Applications are due by February 5 at 3 p.m. ET.
Sigma Foundation, Jonas Philanthropies Launch Research Grant
A new fund, the Sigma Foundation for Nursing/Jonas Philanthropies collaborative research grant, is designed to support nursing research that will help improve health care for the most vulnerable citizens of the U.S. Grants are available in three categories: mental health, rural health, and veterans health care. Application deadline: December 1.
Journal Seeks Abstracts for Future of Nursing Issue
Nursing Education Perspectives will devote its fall 2020 issue to The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health report, 10 years after its publication. Action Coalitions and others are encouraged to submit manuscripts about nursing education research studies relevant to the report by January 1.
Statistical information plays an important role in informing actions to improve health. Guided by that idea, the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) and AcademyHealth developed a fellowship program, geared toward senior researchers, to encourage the use of NCHS data systems and programs. Deadline: January 1.
AcademyHealth’s Delivery System Science Fellowship provides hands-on training and professional opportunities for highly qualified researchers with a background in health services research or related fields to enhance analytic skills. Deadline: January 1.
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