[Signature Pending] Friends – Israeli soldiers dragged Omar Assad from his car in the early hours of the morning, leaving him bound and blindfolded at a construction site in the middle of January. Join our petition for justice and accountability.
J Street

Israeli soldiers dragged Palestinian-American Omar Assad from his car in the early hours of the morning, leaving him bound and blindfolded outside in the middle of January. When the soldiers eventually untied him, he was slumped and non-responsive. They did not seek medical attention.

We’re calling on the Biden Administration to continue to push for an Israeli criminal investigation, and to hold its own investigation into Mr. Assad’s death and Israel’s treatment of Palestinian civilians in occupied territory. Sign our petition if you agree.

Friends -- Add Your Name

Last night, MSNBC host Mehdi Hasan discussed our call for justice and investigation on national TV. You can watch his powerful segment here.

Friends --

I just wanted to make sure you saw our petition last week calling for justice and accountability following the tragic death of 78-year-old Palestinian-American Omar Assad.

A Milwaukee grocery store owner, Mr. Assad had retired with his wife to his hometown of Jiljilya in the West Bank. His family describes him as a joyful, loving and adoring father and husband.

Omar Assad and his family via Haaretz

Omar Assad and his family at a festive celebration, via Haaretz.

At J Street, we strongly support the Biden administration’s efforts to secure a criminal investigation into the death of this US citizen, and are also calling on the US government to conduct its own investigation. You can add your name to our petition here >>

We also recognize the systemic issues this tragic event lays bare: The persistent injustice that the military occupation presents to all Palestinians in the occupied territories.

According to Israeli human rights group B’Tselem, almost 50 Palestinians were killed by Israeli forces in arrests, protests or clashes in the West Bank last year -- a distressing number that includes more than 10 children.

These figures underscore not only the alarming level of threat and intimidation faced by Palestinians, but the corrosive effect of occupation on Israel, to the detriment of our vision of a truly just, democratic and peaceful future for all Israelis.

Together, we must do more to ensure our support for Israel actually is backing our shared vision for a secure, free and prosperous future for all Israelis and Palestinians. We must ensure US-supplied equipment is used for legitimate security needs, not to support arbitrary arrests, indefinite occupation or demolitions and settlement expansion.

Please take a moment now to read, sign and share our petition for justice and accountability >>

Yours sincerely,
Debra Shushan
Director of Government Affairs

Friends --

Omar Assad was 78 and walked with a cane. Still, his family said whenever he was in the room, he was the life of the party.

Born in the British Mandate of Palestine, Mr. Assad ran a grocery store in Milwaukee and lived in America for 40 years, becoming a US citizen in the 1980s. 

In 2009, he moved back to retire with his wife in his hometown of Jiljilya in the occupied West Bank. Three weeks ago, he died after being detained at an Israeli military checkpoint.

Soldiers dragged Mr. Assad from his car in the early hours of the morning, leaving him bound, blindfolded and gagged at a cold construction site. When he was eventually untied, he was slumped and non-responsive.

The soldiers abandoned Mr. Assad without seeking medical aid, later telling investigators they thought he was asleep. Witnesses said Mr. Assad was left blindfolded on his stomach, that he was not breathing, and that his face had turned blue. An autopsy found he died of a stress-induced heart attack.

Add your name to urge the Biden Administration to thoroughly investigate Mr. Assad’s death and Israel’s treatment of Palestinian civilians >>

For Palestinian civilians, arbitrary arrests, excessive force and deaths at the hands of Israeli authorities in the occupied West Bank are distressingly and unacceptably frequent. Accountability and consequences for those responsible are very rare.

In this terrible case, involving an American citizen, diplomatic pressure is making a difference.

An internal IDF investigation resulted in professional suspensions for the officers involved, with a report finding the incident to be “grave and unfortunate” and a result of “moral failure and poor decision-making.” Yet no systemic changes were recommended -- and given the appalling nature of what happened to Omar Assad, and the fact that it was not an isolated incident, this hardly feels sufficient.

Importantly, the US State Department is now pushing for a more comprehensive criminal investigation to ensure a measure of justice and accountability for Mr. Assad’s grieving family. And from the state of Wisconsin, Senator Tammy Baldwin and Congresswoman Gwen Moore have called on the US government to launch its own investigation into reports that conflict with the IDF’s version of events, and to investigate whether US laws may have been violated in this incident. This is critically important Congressional leadership, and we are proud to echo and support it.

At J Street we strongly support the push for greater accountability and justice. Along with elected representatives from Omar Assad’s home state, we’re urging the US to investigate whether the nature and method of Mr. Assad’s detention are common practice in Israel’s occupation of the West Bank and whether US-supplied military equipment is used in such instances contrary to US law, Palestinian rights and Israel’s own true security interests.

Read, sign and share our letter to the US government >>

As an American, Mr. Assad deserves the justice due to any US citizen harmed abroad. As a Palestinian and a human being, he deserves accountability from those who violated his most basic rights.

As supporters of peace, equality and freedom for both Israelis and Palestinians, we must stand up to the oppressive and all too often deadly occupation that tramples on the rights of civilians, fuels the conflict and obstructs hopes for a better future. We must insist that our government face up to and investigate the harmful realities on the ground and work tirelessly to change them -- for the sake of both peoples and our own democratic values.

Thank you, sincerely, for your attention to this.


Dylan Williams
Senior Vice President of Policy and Strategy

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J Street is the political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans who want Israel to be secure, democratic and the national home of the Jewish people. Working in American politics and the Jewish community, we advocate policies that advance shared US and Israeli interests as well as Jewish and democratic values, leading to a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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