
I didn’t run for Senate to cozy up to special interests and big corporations — I ran because folks in rural communities like mine didn’t see anyone in Washington looking out for them.

When elected leaders use their positions of power for their own personal gain, it’s not just bad politics — it erodes trust in our government.

I’m honored to represent Montana in the Senate and fight to make life better for working families every day. I take that responsibility seriously, and that’s why I’m proud to support the Ban Conflicted Trading Act to ensure Members of Congress are kept accountable to their constituents — not to their stock portfolios.

Members of Congress shouldn’t be allowed to actively buy or sell individual stocks, full stop.

If you’re with me, please add your name next to mine and demand that the Senate pass the Ban Conflicted Trading Act immediately to build trust in our government and prevent corruption.


Thanks for making your voice heard alongside mine. Let's get this done.

— Jon