As this cycle continues, and old cycles die while new ones are born, we also begin to notice that it is not just our leadership that goes through ebbs and flows — organizations and movements also go through the seasons. We begin to see all the different vehicles that we use to take responsibility move in this cyclical way.
In our training sessions, we see that experienced leaders have already been through multiple leadership cycles. They can see that they have been in winters many times before in their leadership journey. That is why it is important to take time to map and reflect on our current and previous cycles of leadership. Some questions that we have found to be helpful are: What season are you really in? What was your last season about? What do you need to do to have a healthy season?
The eternal summer and the pain of misalignment
All that we have been sharing up to now feels like common sense, leadership is a resource that goes through ebbs and flows that require space, time and intention in order to grow and develop. Yet, why is it so difficult for leaders, organizations and movements to move at the rhythm of their seasons?
We believe this is due to two factors: the first is our dominant culture of over accumulation. The logic of overproduction makes us believe that we should constantly be pushing all the boundaries. This assumes that we as a human species operate outside the laws of nature — that there are no cycles, only arrows that keep moving up from progress to more progress. This belief system and infrastructure is part of the dominant culture that envelops us. It tells us that we must always be in summer, that we must do more, be more, never stop, that we must live simply in an eternal summer that produces without end.
Second, many of us live disconnected from Mother Earth, from the seasonality of life. Because of the nature of our global capitalist economy, most of us live in cities marked by a deep disconnection with our environment. This is reflected not only spatially but in our consumption patterns, our reliance on the market to meet our needs, and the commodities we consume year round, independent of their own natural cycles (this can be seen with food in particular). Capitalism has created a system of consumption that invisiblizes where and when things come from and this dynamic disconnects us from the wisdom of cycles.
At the same time, in order to sustain the ideological belief of the eternal summer, we’ve also developed something we call winterphobia, a situation in which many of us are afraid of going within, of taking time to rest, reflect and change. Winters done with intention force us to be vulnerable — a practice that is not usually welcomed or received within the confines of our dominant culture. We fight against the winter, we feel ashamed about it, but we forget that winters are actually as critical as those times where new leaders, new projects, new revolutions are born.
If you feel like you’ve been trapped in the eternal summer, you are not alone. We all have been there. We can all feel the pain of misalignment when we are constantly forced to be in a season we are not in and to pretend to be. Neglecting and not being aware of our seasons is the formula for burnout. In other words, when an organization doesn’t value people’s cycles and places — by putting people who are in much needed winters in positions that should be reserved for those in summer — burnout is an inevitability.
In his book “The Burnout Society,” Byung-Chul Han brilliantly elucidates this point. “Depression — which often culminates in burnout — follows from overexcited, overdriven, excessive self-reference that has assumed destructive traits,” he writes. “The… subject grinds itself down, so to speak. It is tired, exhausted by itself, and at war with itself. Entirely incapable of stepping outward, of standing outside itself, of relying on the Other, on the world, it locks its jaws on itself; paradoxically, this leads the self to hollow and empty out. It wears itself out in a rat race it runs against itself.”
We believe that in order for us to have sustainable and growing leadership we must be critically aware of the culture of the eternal summer and regain our relationship to Mother Earth. This is the wisdom we need, as Pablo Solon, a Bolivian social and environmental activist says, “Time and space are not linear but cyclical. The linear notions of growth and progress are not compatible with that vision. Time advances in the form of a spiral. The future is connected with the past. In any advance, there is a return and any return is an advance. Hence, as the Aymara say, to walk forward we have to have our eyes on the past.”
While we cannot change our current world dominant culture overnight, we believe that many of us have the agency in our own leadership and organizations to bring forth a new paradigm. The most important message we want to convey is that we must understand and protect the season we are in. Once we do that, we will learn the wisdom of that particular season and be able to start on a healthy cycle.
The power of seasonality
When we see leaders that have done social movement work for decades, we can see how they share a common belief around leadership that relates to the capacity to think strategically, to know when is the right time to do something. Doing the right thing at the right time is strategic capacity. When leaders are able to do this, the results, or the rewards, are massive. “Strategic thinking is reflexive and imaginative, based on ways leaders learn to reflect on the past, attend to the present, and anticipate the future,” explained Marshall Ganz, a community organizing scholar and former director of organizing for the United Farm Workers.
Part of what blocks our strategic capacity is the inability to discern and attune to the cycles of our own leadership, and those of the organizations and movements we are embedded in. In order to build this strategic capacity, as a muscle, as part of the craft of organizing and to build a more renewable type of leadership, understanding which season we are in is of utmost importance.
Each season plays an integral and necessary role in our leadership cycle. It is our hope that this framework, this metaphor, can help give language to experiences that we know leaders face as they develop and traverse through many cycles in social change work. We believe that understanding our season, and appreciating its gifts, can help us move more intentionally, and thus, more strategically through the uncertain terrain and waters that surround us. We know that because of all the compounding crises we face at every level — whether it be personal, local, regional or global — we need to invest in a leadership model that is sustainable and renewable. By doing so, we can have millions of leaders working to bring about a new world, one that is rooted in connection to each other and to Mother Earth.
We are living in times of increasing uncertainty and crisis, when the future of our planet and of our relations to each other are at risk. How we respond in this moment can define our next cycle, and with the wisdom of our ancestors to guide us, we can forge a new tradition of resilient and strategic leaders.