From Tom Zawistowski <>
Subject Ohio Supreme Court is Out of Line!
Date February 8, 2022 4:23 PM
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The Legislature Must Draw our Voting Districts Breaking News....The Ohio Supreme Court, in a 4-3 decision, with Justice Maureen O'Connor joining the Democrats again, is trying to disrupt Ohio's mid-term Elections by rejecting the Ohio Redistricting Commission's redrawn maps that gave the Democrats five more seats. It's time to move on and ignore the court. If Chief Justice Maureen O'Connor wants to continue in her rogue manner, as she has obviously joined the radical left by trying to disrupt the 2022 mid-terms, she may be facing impeachment. Stay tuned... Click here to read the full opinion. HERE IS THE DISSENTING OPINION BY JUSTICES KENNEDY AND DEWINE. {172} We dissent from the majority's pronouncement that the revised General Assembly- district plan violates Article XI, Sections 6(A) and 6(B) of the Ohio Constitution and is therefore invalid. And we disagree with the majority's decision to retain jurisdiction over this case and to set arbitrary time limitations and new rules for the Ohio Redistricting Commission's work that have no basis in the text of the Ohio Constitution. {173} It is apparent that m disregard of constitutional standards, four members of this court have now commandeered the redistricting process and that they will continue to reject any General Assembly-district plan until they get the plan they want. It would simplify matters if the commission would just provide the majority with the map-drawing software, Maptitude, so that they can draw the map themselves. At this point, one must wonder which seven-member body is the true redistricting commission-the constitutionally named officers or this court? Republicans Must Stop the Redistricting Madness NOW! The Ohio Supreme Court is executing the radical and destructive Democrat/Socialist plan being implemented by disgraced Obama Attorney General Eric Holder to cause chaos in our elections and to rig them in favor of Democrats again in 2022. The Legislatures have the Constitutional Right to determine how their state's elections are run not the courts. It is long past time for the Ohio Legislature to IGNORE the Supreme Court where it has no authority! It is clear that this is NOT about creating "fair" districts, it is about undermining the will of We the People who are the voters who elected their Legislators to create these districts, and instead using the courts to create political outcomes based on lies and distractions. Enough! Click Here to Contact Your Ohio House Member Click Here to Contact Your Ohio Senator Tell them to Draw the Damn Maps that reflects the will of the voters, not Eric Holder and the radical left, and let us get on with our May Primary Election! News & Opinion You Will NOT GET Anywhere Else! PLEASE SHARE/FORWARD THIS EMAIL TO ALL OF YOUR CONTACTS Before You Do - Please Delete Your Unsubscribe Link at the bottom of the email! JOIN OUR EMAIL LIST FOLLOW ME ON PARLER: TomZWTPC FOLLOW US ON MEWE: Ohio TEA Party FOLLOW US ON GAB: TomZWTPC FOLLOW US ON RUMBLE: TomZWTPC WATCH US ON ROKU TV AND AMAZON FIRE TV! PLEASE DELETE YOUR FACEBOOK AND TWITTER ACCOUNTS TODAY! "It is not a choice to fight evil, you must fight evil, for it will either kill you now or kill you later but it will surely kill you!" "If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves!” Winston Churchill We the People Convention | P.O. Box 6211, Akron, OH 44312 Unsubscribe Update Profile | Constant Contact Data Notice Sent by powered by Try email marketing for free today!
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