From Senate Conservatives <[email protected]>
Subject Supreme Court Battle
Date February 8, 2022 3:56 PM
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Senate Republicans have the power to block a bad nominee.
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Senate Conservatives Fund

As you know, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer recently announced his retirement from the bench. As you also know, Breyer is a reliable vote for the Democrats’ woke, socialist, anti-constitutional agenda that seeks to tear down our country and remake it in the image of the MSNBC newsroom.

Most Washington Republicans received the news of Breyer’s retirement with a sigh of resignation. They had hoped he would hang on so that a Republican president might replace him down the road.

But since it’s only the second year of Joe Biden’s term, many Republicans don’t think it’s possible to block Breyer’s replacement like they blocked Merrick Garland back in 2016.

But… why not?

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When are Washington Republicans going to get it through their heads that the American people don’t want excuses? Our country is under assault. If the Right “plays it safe”:
* our schools are going to stay closed;
* our kids are going to stay masked;
* crime is going to keep rising;
* our borders are going to stay open;
* Critical Race Theory is going to keep poisoning our society; and
* Big Tech will continue to destroy our First Amendment rights.

And make no mistake: left-wing judges are going to keep cheerleading for it all the way!

Help build a conservative Senate that will promote sound judges who will truly defend the Constitution. ([link removed])

Joe Biden has promised his extremist base that his replacement for Breyer will be cut from the same cloth: woke, partisan, political – totally unfit for the Judiciary.

OF COURSE, Senate Republicans have to do everything possible to defeat Joe Biden’s Supreme Court nominee! And THEY CAN!

As anti-Big Tech crusader and Senate rules guru Rachel Bovard recently argued, with the Senate evenly divided, Republicans have the numbers and the power to block ANY Supreme Court pick.

Under the rules, nominations cannot be sent by Committees to the full Senate unless a majority of Committee members attend the Committee vote. With the Senate split 50/50 between Republicans and Democrats, no party holds a majority on any committee. So if Judiciary Committee Republicans don’t show up, Judiciary Democrats won’t have enough warm bodies there to report any nominations to the full Senate for a floor vote.

SCF-endorsed Sen. Rand Paul has been using this tactic for months in the Small Business Committee, where he is ranking Republican. Because the Biden Administration refuses to claw back Covid relief loans illegally given to Planned Parenthood, Paul and his colleagues have boycotted Committee votes for certain Small Business Administration nominations. Democrats have no recourse.

Judiciary Committee Republicans can do the same thing. If Democrats were in the minority, WE KNOW THEY WOULD.

This would be EASY for them, compared to their usual tactics of lying, smearing, and falsely accusing Republican judges of violent crimes without evidence or scruples. To block Stephen Breyer’s woke replacement, Senate Republicans don’t have to say or do anything – which is usually what they do best!


This is not a suggestion. Not an option. The fight over the Supreme Court is the Battle of the Year in Washington. It will tell conservatives which Republicans are there to do good for the country, and which are there just to do well for themselves.

Buckle up!

Mary Vought Signature
Mary Vought
Executive Director
Senate Conservatives Fund
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