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Hi ,

Every year, we hear hundreds of members who attend the Just Economy Conference say participating in Advocacy Week and meeting their policymakers is their favorite part of the conference. We expect no less this year! 

Join us for our pre-conference Advocacy Week June 6-10, and make your voice heard. 

NCRC members will attend virtual meetings with their Senators and Representatives to discuss a wide array of policy issues that affect all Americans. There will be a virtual planning meeting between NCRC members, NCRC staff, and state coalitions in the weeks prior to June 6. 

If you’d like to become an NCRC member and be eligible to attend the member-only Advocacy Week, please join online here. You can also email [email protected] to request an invoice.

Register now for a ticket to the conference and tell us if you will join us for Advocacy Week so we can keep you informed on when meetings with your policymakers will take place.

Register now

The Just Economy Conference is the national event for community, policy, government and business leaders working toward a just economy that not only promises but delivers to all Americans opportunities to build wealth and live well.

Join us for three jam-packed days of keynotes and networking June 13-15 in person in DC for the Just Economy Conference itself! The in-person Conference is open to all.

We can’t wait to “see” you,

Valentine's Day Event: NCRC To Host A Conversation With OCC Acting Comptroller Hsu
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