Biggs for

First it was kangaroo court proceedings. Then it was selectively leaked testimony... all of it aimed at building a fraudulent case so the Democrats could illegally boot President Trump from the White House.

They know they can't beat him in an election - so they launched the "coup" they always wanted.

AND in case you missed it - the Democrats have been calling for a "coup" from the beginning. We found this early tweet pictured below from the Whistleblower's lawyer. It is pretty clear proof that there has been a long-term concerted effort targeting President Trump since his very first week in office!

lawyer calls for coup

I don't use the word "coup" lightly - this is straight from their own people!

The Democrats are using deep-state cronies to pull every lever of power at their disposal to reverse the 2016 election because we don't fit with their radical leftist vision for America.

I'm fighting deeply entrenched opponents at every level and this is a fight we can't win alone. The only way we will win is by standing together! I need your help to push back against the Democrats' well-funded propaganda machine.

If the Democrats succeed with their sham show trial, every Republican will be at risk. We've come too far under President Trump to let that happen! Will you stand up to the Democrats' coup attempt, and make an immediate donation?

Thank you,

Congressman Andy Biggs
Chairman, House Freedom Caucus

Paid for by Biggs for Congress

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