

On January 6th, 2021, armed insurrectionists stormed the United States Capitol in an attempted coup. I hid in my colleague's office while countless other members of the House and Senate hid in closets, bathrooms, and offices. Police officers were attacked, shots were fired, and people lost their lives. The traitorous confederate flag entered the Capitol building for the first time ever, and nothing less than our democracy was on the line that day.

But this last weekend, just one year later, the Republican Party declared that it was "legitimate political discourse."

Disagreeing about how much money to invest in infrastructure is legitimate political discourse. Debates about how we best lift families out of poverty and ensure the American dream is available to everyone is legitimate political discourse. But a violent insurrection isn't -- and we cannot allow anyone who thinks it is to serve in our government.

I started Blue Momentum PAC in 2016 with the goal of electing Democrats to Congress. That work was critical then, but it's taken on new meaning now that Republicans have become a party that believes a coup is "legitimate political discourse."

Will you chip in $250, $100, $50, $25, or whatever you're able right now to help make sure that when voters head to the polls in November, they know what the Republican party stands for?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Express Donate: $250

Express Donate: $100

Express Donate: $50

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Thank you for fighting for our democracy.


Ted Lieu for Congress ? United States
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Paid for by Ted Lieu for Congress