More bad news for the gun lobby

John—News broke that the NRA has reached a new low. With membership declining and millions in legal fees, the group is in the midst of a “remarkable” financial decline.

We’ve been fighting against the NRA and our gun lobby opponents for years, exposing their attempts to block lifesaving gun responsibility policies to pad their own pockets. Now, this news is proof that we have the chance to beat the NRA once and for all.

Newly-released financial documents from August 2021 show that the NRA’s revenue had fallen by almost HALF since 2018. One reason: the group’s mountain of legal woes have cost them big. Last year they spent more than $30 million in legal fees alone. And with several lawsuits still active, that spending doesn’t look to be slowing anytime soon.

But it’s not just legal trouble that’s hurting the NRA’s pocketbook. They’ve also seen a steep decline in membership—it’s fallen to the lowest level since 2017.

These bad financial reports come amid big spending cuts for the group’s legacy programs. According to the report, TEN TIMES more was spent by the Office of General Counsel than was spent on safety, training, education, competitive shooting, community engagement, and other programs.

Bottom line: the NRA is in decline. They are not the political or financial powerhouse they once were. We have to take this opportunity to loosen their grip on American politics once and for all. We must put an end to their guns-everywhere agenda. Please, give today to help us beat the NRA.

Thank you,
Renée (she/her)


P.O. Box 4187
Seattle, WA 98194

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