Using data from the 2018 midterm elections, BPC released a new reportThe 2018 Voting Experience: Polling Place Lines, which was the largest-ever observational study on wait times in polling places. The research, conducted with the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, found that the overall average wait time to vote in the United States was 8.9 minutes. However, precincts with a high percentage of minority voters, renters, and lower incomes saw significantly longer wait times. 

BPC Senior Vice President Bill Hoagland released a statement following the Treasury's announcement that the United States is currently experiencing unprecedented levels of debt in peacetime during a growing economy. The resulting coverage in The New York TimesThe Wall Street JournalPOLITICO, and Reuters featured commentary from Hoagland, who explained what this means for the economy.
Congress Can Be Partisan and Productive to Benefit Citizens
In his latest op-ed featured in The Hill, BPC President Jason Grumet highlights the important work that the House Select Committee on the Modernization of Congress is doing in overcoming partisan divides and addressing the challenges facing the nation. 
Study: Heavily Minority Precincts Endured Longer Wait Times to Cast Ballots in 2018
The Washington Post reported exclusively on BPC's new report, The 2018 Voting Experience: Polling Place Lines. Director of BPC's Elections Project Matthew Weil broke down the results of the study and the possible implications they have for the 2020 election.
An Introduction to Building Bipartisan Support for Child Care
BPC launched Building Bipartisan Support for Child Care: A Toolkit with resources to build bipartisan solutions to ensure all children have an equal opportunity to a quality educational foundation that will prepare them to grow, learn, and succeed. Join us on Nov. 14 for a webinar to learn more about the resources in the toolkit and how they can be used in your communities.
The Role of a Corporation: The Shareholder versus Stakeholder Debate
Join BPC on Nov. 19 for a discussion with former SEC Commissioners Dan Gallagher and Roel C. Campos on the role of a corporation in today's society and the extent to which the private sector should engage on public policy issues.
Smart Money Retirement Expo
The Funding Our Future campaign is co-hosting the Smart Money Retirement Expo on Nov. 23, an event featuring a day full of exciting keynote and panel sessions about saving, investing, and planning for retirement. It's a terrific opportunity for the everyday saver to get some savvy financial advice and learn more about public policy when it comes to retirement security.
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