If you weren’t on social media over the weekend, you might have missed the shocking story of
crowdfunding platform GoFundMe trying to steal millions of dollars in donations intended to support truckers in Canada protesting
authoritarian Covid-19 mandates. GoFundMe initially said they would freeze the funds raised, redirect money given to the truckers to other approved
charities, and not provide refunds to the donors. GoFundMe is pulling a page right out of the Left’s cancel culture playbook. It’s highway robbery to
accept people’s hard-earned donations, freeze those funds when it doesn’t fit your political agenda, and give that money to other
political charities and causes the donor didn’t support! I
spoke out on the issue because what GoFundMe is trying to do could affect every American in the not-so-distant future. Tens of thousands of
Americans agreed with me. |
The Left wants to cancel your ability to show your face without a mask, engage in political discourse, eat at a
restaurant if you’re unvaccinated, and now they want to prevent you from donating to political causes you support. This is NOT the
American way! We’ve talked at length about the unholy
trinity of Big Tech, Big Government, and Big Business suppressing your rights before – but this is next level totalitarian control. We must
protect the Constitutional free speech right of every American to donate to the charities they support without fear of economic reprisal from the
radical Left and their woke corporate partners. |
Shortly after the news broke of GoFundMe freezing funds and failing to return Texans’ money, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced that he has “assembled a team to investigate their potential fraud
& deception.” This is great news for Texans, Americans, and freedom-loving people across the world!
The Republican Party of Texas is fighting back because we’re tired of watching everyday
Americans get rolled by an overreaching federal government. And we will never stop fighting for your freedoms because we believe America is worth
saving. Saving America,
 Matt Rinaldi
Chairman, Republican Party of Texas |
Paid for and Authorized by the Republican Party of Texas
P.O. Box 2206, Austin, TX 78768 |