CCL is putting together our goals for 2022--join the chapter meeting this Saturday to weigh in. Regardless of whether you are a returning member or a new arrival, we would love your insight!
Upcoming Events:
CCL-DC Chapter Meeting - 11AM, Feb 12
CCL National Speaker Call - 1PM, Feb 12
Saturday, February 12, 11:00am-12:30pm ET
CCL DC Chapter Meeting
Join Citizens' Climate Lobby to multiply our efforts on climate change. We will plan upcoming events, and advance our efforts with Conservative Outreach, Student Outreach, Congressional Advocacy, and Movement Building. Don't miss this conversation with like-minded climate advocates!
What: CCL DC Chapter Meeting When: Saturday, February 12th, 11am-12:30pm ET More details and RSVP
Monthly Meetings and Actions: February
Featuring James Balog (Earth Vision Institute)
Every month, CCL supporters gather to listen to a guest speaker. This February we are pleased to be hosting CCL Advisory Board Member James Balog, who will discuss his experiences in climate activism and how human activity has affected and damaged our environment.
Saturday February 12th 1:00PM
Stick around on the same line as the monthly call to tune in with fellow DC CCLers
CCL is proud to celebrate Back History Month and the many Black activists and
environmentalists who are fighting climate change. Check out the CCL Blog to read more about some of these activists as well as some of the celebrations CCL has planned for the month.
National CCL events: If you are missing more CCL in your life, check out CCL National's event calendar. Here are a few key ones: