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Engage with Eagle Forum Kicks off Season 3
Engage with Eagle Forum is back for Season 3! This season, we are sharing the people, the ideas, and the organization behind Eagle Forum.
In this season, not only will we provide timely news and analysis on the issues impacting the nation, but you’ll also hear from Eagle Forum’s state leaders, national leadership, and other allies. Weekly, we will share Eagle Forum’s Capitol Hill Update in podcast and video form. The Capitol Hill Update is an easy-to-digest summary of the week’s happenings in D.C. If you’re looking for the week’s headlines, this is for you!
Our inaugural episode. “Get to Know Eagle Forum,” is an in-depth look at getting involved with Eagle Forum. Perhaps you’re wondering what the difference is between an Eagle Forum state chapter and Eagle Forum national, or you’re curious about what Tabitha and her colleague, Kirsten Hasler, do in Washington, D.C. If so, this episode is for you! We break Eagle Forum down and its day-to-day business. Our hope is that after listening, you’ll want to get involved. Frankly, the issues impacting our lives are too important not to. We need your help in fighting for parental rights in schools, pushing against vaccine mandates, and holding our elected leaders accountable to their constituents, rather than Washington insiders.

You can listen or watch the episode via audio or YouTube. If you have any questions or would like further information on this topic after streaming, please send us an email at [email protected].
Watch on YouTube
For 50 years, Eagle Forum has successfully advocated for individual liberties and American freedoms. Our founder, Phyllis Schlafly, ushered in the modern-day conservative movement simply by educating others on how to use their voice. Now, Eagle Forum continues her legacy by providing resources and tools to those who want to preserve American values. Listen to this week's episode to learn how to become involved!
From your house, to the state house, to the White House, this is Engage with Eagle Forum! 
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