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Democrats' policies continue to go down a path that supports big government and not Oklahoma. It's one terrible policy after another--and I am fighting to stop them. What we need is a red wave in the November election. 
Biden is the most pro-abortion president in our nation’s history. He's silently stripped away all the religious freedom protections we put in place while President Trump was in the White House. Inflation continues to rage. We look weak on the world stage. America can feel the impacts of Biden's bad policies one way or another. 
But November is coming. We need to make sure everyone gets out to vote. Taking back the Senate will be one of the checks needed to stop Biden's progressive policies. 
Will you prayerfully consider becoming a monthly donor to my campaign through this November? $5, $10, $15, or what you can afford, will help us get out the word and encourage the red wave in our nation
We cannot wait on the sidelines. We must stand up and fight the right way. I understand if giving a donation to the campaign isn't what you're able to do right now--there are several ways to get involved to ensure we win in November. We need volunteers, people to join our prayer coalition, or show support by displaying a yard sign or bumper sticker. Elections are about all of us. 
Join Team Lankford--help us win back the Senate in November!
I'm deeply grateful for your support.

In God We Trust,
[email protected]
(405) 509-1182 
PO Box 1639 Bethany, OK 73008

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Paid for by Families for James Lankford