By Manzanita Miller The categorically bleak outlook of American voters on a broad range of issues nine months before the midterms could fuel demand for limited government solutions. |
Feb. 4, 2022, Fairfax, Va.—Americans for Limited Government President Rick Manning today issued the following statement on the latest jobs numbers: “Over the past two months, the BLS establishment survey has shown gains of 1 million new jobs, but it is coming at the same time as red-hot 7 percent inflation, a collapsing 10-year, 2-year yield, 5.7 percent economic growth in 2021, and yet a projected GDP growth by the Atlanta Fed of just 0.1 percent for the first quarter, indicating the U.S. economy is headed into stormy waters." |
Despite the Supreme Court’s ruling Biden is STILL leaning on companies to fire employees who chose not to be vaxed! |
Chosen Generation Radio where no topic is off limits and everything is filtered through biblical glasses. Where it is our mission to activate and inform people with a biblical constitutional worldview and encourage them to be a part of making America a light upon a hill once again. |
Over the past two months, the BLS establishment survey has shown gains of 1 million new jobs, but it is coming at the same time as red-hot 7 percent inflation, a collapsing 10-year, 2-year yield, 5.7 percent economic growth in 2021, and yet a projected GDP growth by the Atlanta Fed of just 0.1 percent for the first quarter, indicating the U.S. economy is headed into stormy waters. |