From Secular Coalition for America <>
Subject Reads of Reason (February 7, 2022)
Date February 7, 2022 3:00 PM
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Happy Monday!

Welcome to Reads of Reason, a weekly compilation of news-clippings that relate to our work advocating for the rights of nonreligious Americans and the separation of religion and government.

At the Secular Coalition for A ([link removed]) merica ([link removed]) (SCA) we know that being well-informed is a vital part of being an effective advocate. If there is an issue that inspires or concerns you, please reach out and we can take action as your voice in Washington D.C!

News We Care About
(Good to know for protecting the Wall of Separation)
Biden, Gillibrand Quietly Sign on for Anti-LGBTQ Prayer Breakfast (TYT Investigates, 2/1/22) ([link removed])
After keeping their involvement secret, Pres. Biden and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) participated in this year’s National Prayer Breakfast last Thursday.

Biden pleads for unity — in speech at anti-LGBTQ, faux-bipartisan Prayer Breakfast (Salon, 2/3/22) ([link removed])
"Despite extensive revelations about the anti-LGBTQ Christian nationalist annual Continue ([link removed]) event, Democrats keep playing along"

Josh Mandel May Be Trolling The GOP. He Could Be Ohio's Next Senator. (HuffPost, 2/3/22) ([link removed])
"The Republican candidate is casting himself in the mold of Donald Trump. That means no position is too extreme, no tweet is too ridiculous [including rejecting the concept of separation of church and state] to try to win over the MAGA base."

Only Christians need apply? Missouri governor’s ‘Christian values’ statement prompts legal concerns (St. Louis Post-Dispatch, 2/3/22) ([link removed])
"Does the next director of the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services need to be a Christian? That is the question after Gov. Mike Parson said in a statement Tuesday that he would only choose someone for the job who shared the “same Christian values” as him."

Church of Scientology Seeks to Undo ‘Sweeping’ Ruling in Danny Masterson Case (2/4/22) ([link removed])
"The Church of Scientology has argued that a California appeals court made a mistake when it granted members a “sweeping and unbounded” right to leave the church."

Oklahoma bill would fine teachers $10k for teaching anything that contradicts religion (The Independent, 2/4/22) ([link removed])
"Oklahoma Republican Senator Rob Standridge has introduced a bill that would allow people to sue teachers if they offer an opposing view to the religious beliefs held by students."

Ordinance limiting Oregon church meal services violates religious freedom, lawsuit says (RNS, 1/1/21) ([link removed])
"The lawsuit claims an ordinance limiting the church to offering free meals just twice a week interferes with the church’s fundamental beliefs of ‘feeding the hungry, caring for the sick, and sheltering the houseless.’"
Secular Americans
(Who are we? What are we up to?)

Secularism in the US is larger, more diverse and more dynamic than ever, but you wouldn’t know that it from the media (Religion Dispatches, 2/4/22) ([link removed])
"I’m done waiting for mainstream media to cover nonreligious people and secular issues fairly and accurately,” says Sarah Levin

States of Disbelief: Non-Believers Wrestle with Life After Religion (Religion and Politics, 2/2/22) ([link removed])
"The doldrums of isolation—feelings now well known to many in the pandemic era—are especially heavy for anyone shunned by family and friends for choosing to shed their former beliefs."

Atheism out of the ashes (OnlySky, 2/2/22) ([link removed])
"What is atheism good for in the MAGA era?"
(Everyone has an opinion...)
Why the National Prayer Breakfast must go (OpenDemocracy, 2/4/22) ([link removed])
"I hope I live to see the day when a president will break the pattern by refusing to participate in this annual Christian supremacist spectacle."

The National Prayer Breakfast is not what America needs (MSNBC, 2/6/22) ([link removed])
"Given America's increasing polarization, elected officials should not be elevating Christianity above other faiths."

Why Evangelicals Need More Secularism (Current, 1/27/22) ([link removed])
"The government’s role in regulating the relationship between itself and religious citizens is good for both the church and the nation"

The Supreme Court is leading a Christian conservative revolution (Vox, 1/30/22) ([link removed])
"Almost as soon as Justice Barrett was confirmed, the Court handed down a revolutionary “religious liberty” decision. It hasn’t slowed down since."
Opposing Views
(Always good to know what others are saying)
In the "war over faith-based foster care agencies", is an end finally in sight? (Deseret News, 1/31/22) ([link removed])
"After a Supreme Court victory in June, faith-based foster care agencies seem to have the upper hand in ongoing legislative and legal battles"

A Secular Blasphemy Trial (The American Conservative, 2/3/22) ([link removed])
"A Christian Finnish member of Parliament is prosecuted for “hate speech."

The views expressed in the articles included in the Reads of Reason do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Secular Coalition for America or its coalition members--varying opinions may be included in an effort to inform our readers as much as possible. Please let us know of any feedback you might have!
There's a lot going on in the world, and we SCA is cutting through the noise to make sure your rights are upheld. To support this work, please click the “I want to help secular advocacy! ([link removed]) ” button to donate to the (C4) division of SCA which is responsible for lobbying congress, or the “I want to help secular education ([link removed]) ! ([link removed]) ” button for a tax-deductible donation to the (C3) division of SCA which works to educate Americans about our movement and values. Every dollar goes to making sure your voice is heard on Capitol Hill!

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