From CT Democrats <[email protected]>
Subject Reminder re: your 2022 Digital Membership
Date February 6, 2022 11:06 PM
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  Links have been removed from this email. Learn more in the FAQ.
John, we’re inviting you to become a 2022 Digital Member of the Connecticut Democratic Party this month.

See our original message below, then donate any amount to activate your membership and help us mobilize all of the incredible volunteers and organizers we have to help Democrats succeed in races big and small this November: [[link removed]]

[link removed] [[link removed]]

ACTIVATE NOW [[link removed]]

Original Message from the CT Democratic Party:

John, now that Trump-supporting Republican Bob Stefanowski has put $1 million on TV attacking Governor Lamont we need your help responding.

Will you activate your 2022 Digital Membership with the Connecticut Democratic Party to help us support Governor Lamont and Democrats up and down the ballot as we prepare for November’s elections? Donate any amount here: [[link removed]]

[link removed] [[link removed]]

ACTIVATE NOW [[link removed]]

While Bob Stefanowski floods Connecticut voters with negative TV ads, Democrats are focused on getting things done for Connecticut families.

Governor Lamont has provided strong, steady leadership through a once-in-a-century pandemic, continues to deliver record surpluses in our budget, and has our rainy day fund reaching all-time highs — all without tax increases.

Now we need your help mobilizing voters, organizers, and volunteers across Connecticut to ensure that our Democratic candidates have the support they need this year. Donate any amount now to active your 2022 Digital Membership: [[link removed]]

ACTIVATE NOW [[link removed]]

Thank you for being on this team,

Connecticut Democrats
CT Democratic Party
750 Main Street Suite
Suite 1108-3
Hartford, CT 06103
United States
[link removed]
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