Colorado GOP Press Announcement
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PRESS CONTACT: Joe Jackson |  [email protected]
Good afternoon-

I wanted to make sure you all saw Colorado GOP Chairwoman Kristi Burton Brown's latest op-ed in the Fence Post. The op-ed highlights why all Coloradans, but especially rural Coloradans, deserve better leadership. 

It's been clear for years that Jared Polis and the Colorado Democrats don't care about rural Colorado. In 2022, we are going to replace them with leaders who recognize that there are 64 counties in Colorado. 

 >> Please make sure you read the full op-ed and SHARE IT on social media. 

Joe Jackson
Executive Director | Colorado GOP
The Fence Post: All Coloradans deserve better leadership than what we are currently seeing in Denver — but rural Coloradans are the ones who deserve the biggest upgrade in leadership.

Democrat leaders clearly don’t understand rural Colorado, nor do they care to try and understand or represent it. Nothing better signifies that fact than the situation earlier this month where Gov. Jared Polis’ appointee to the Colorado Veterinary Board made derogatory and despicable comments towards ranchers and those who have lost livestock to wolves. At one point, this far-left appointee, serving on a board tasked with guiding and enforcing standards for Colorado’s veterinary practitioners, called Colorado ranchers “lazy and nasty.”

What did Gov. Polis do about it? Absolutely nothing.

Jared Polis and the Colorado Democrats have spent more than a decade raising taxes, supporting policies that increase crime, and working day and night to wage a war on Colorado parents. But that wasn’t what Polis talked about. Instead, he stood up there and told us he would cut our taxes after he signed bills into law raising them — just last year. He told us he wanted to make Colorado safe, but his actions prove the opposite. Jared Polis has presided over Colorado’s worst violent crime wave in 25 years. He has sat on his hands while Colorado has become No. 1 in the nation for property theft.

I would say that state Sen. Jerry Sonnenberg said it best when he wrote that the speech was the “most dishonest, disingenuous and arrogant speech” he had heard in his 16 years in the state legislature.

Let me be clear. Colorado Republicans are the only party in our state focused on kitchen table issues that are impacting parents and families across our state. Our Commitment to Colorado is focused on solving the issues that Democrats have created — issues like affordability, high crime, schools that aren’t delivering for all students, and yes, a devastating war on rural Colorado. We can do better, and we will do better — under Republican leadership.
Jared Polis, Michael Bennet, and Democrats in Denver have failed Colorado. We must all work together to elect Republicans who will fight for our water, our land, our families, and the future of our state. I look forward to seeing you along my travels and fighting alongside you as we retake our state and country this year.

>> Read and share the FULL op-ed here
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Colorado Republican State Party
5950 S. Willow Drive, Suite 210
Greenwood Village, Colorado  80111
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