We’ve never seen anything like this.
Malgeri’s comment is not only un-American, it’s incredibly dangerous, risks inciting violence, and is unbefitting of anyone who wants to serve in Congress.
The only way we can prevent Noah Malgeri and his barbaric comments from entering Congress is if we support Democrat Susie Lee with all of our strength. Will you rush a donation to Susie’s re-election campaign right now?
Folks, as if one time wasn’t bad enough, Noah Malgeri later doubled down on his outrageous comment.
If these are the types of people the Republican Party is running against Susie, we need to do everything we can to send a message that we will not tolerate violence in our country.
We have to stop Malgeri and his radical, barbaric agenda in its tracks and prevent another extremist Republican from being elected to Congress.
Can you rush a donation of whatever you can to help Susie Lee win re-election and defeat her dangerous opponent?
Thanks for helping us do everything we can to keep this sort of violence out of Congress.
Team Susie Lee