Dear Partners, 

Congress has promised to pass legislation that will ban surprise medical bills this year, but time is running out. 

A new Families USA/YouGov poll released today finds that more than 4 in 10 people have experienced a surprise medical bill. And of these, nearly 8 in 10 say it was difficult to pay or that they couldn't pay it at all. 

Voters want Congress to act: Across party lines, nearly 9 in 10 voters support Congress passing federal legislation to protect patients from surprise medical bills. 

It's time to hold Congress accountable for ending surprise medical bills. 

Today, please join Families USA and No Surprises: People Against Unfair Medical Bills in a Digital Day of Action to end surprise bills with these key steps: 
  • Post a call to action on social media asking your networks to call Congress about this issue.
    • Sample post: Consumers are powerless against surprise medical bills. Congress must pass legislation this year to end surprise billing. Visit to call Congress now! #PassABillOrPayMine
  • Email, tweet, and call your members of Congress and tell them to end surprise billing this year. Use our action tool here.
  • Share our digital ads about this problem on your social media platforms.
Today is a critical day for health advocates to unite and show Congress that people across the country expect an end to surprise medical billing and will not accept inaction. 

Together we can make a difference! 

In solidarity, 
Claire McAndrew
Director of Campaigns and Partnerships
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