
It has been an extremely busy past couple of weeks here on the Harder campaign - and not just because Josh and Pam are getting ready to welcome their new baby. We’ve been sprinting alongside Josh as he zig zags our newly formed district to hear from all the new voters.

If you’d like to chip in to help keep our campaign fueled (think: gas, house parties, lawn signs etc) please chip in here!

Here we are in Stockton where we had such great turnout we kept the house party going well past sundown.

Josh at a house party in Stockton

Small businesses are a huge part of the Valley’s economy so we did a whole listening tour with small business owners - here’s Josh at Dealerz Choice in Stockton.

Josh at Dealerz Choice

Josh is also a big coffee and tea drinker, so we’d be lying if we didn’t make multiple pit stops for caffeine…

Josh grabbing coffee!

And here is a photo from our first door knock of 2022! If you know Josh, you know how much he believes in knocking doors and hearing directly from folks in our community.

Josh knocking doors!

It’s been a whirlwind, but there’s nothing better than being on the road with Josh talking with voters. A lot of people pulled us aside and said they were surprised with how energetic he is, and a few followed up whispering he doesn’t seem like a politician... We’d be happy to yell that from the rooftops!

Thanks for keeping our campaign fueled so we can do the hard work to keep this seat blue. Know that every dollar we raise goes directly into organizing efforts like this to keep us on the road. If you’d like to contribute here’s a link!

Now, back to the road!

- Team Harder

This email was sent to [email protected] because CA-9 is one of our country’s most pivotal tossup districts. But if you’d like to receive fewer emails, we understand. You can click here to get only the most important updates, or you can  unsubscribe here.

Republicans spent MILLIONS attacking Josh, now he is in DANGER! Josh "might be the most vulnerable Democrat on the map." - Dave Wasserman, Cook Political Report. Donate now to protect California's most vulnerable Democrat.

Josh was re-elected to Congress on behalf of families in the Central Valley where he’s fighting to hold our government accountable, pass COVID-19 relief, and deliver on our progressive values. Will you help him keep up the fight in Congress by making a contribution today?

Harder for Congress
PO Box 4426
Modesto CA 95352 United States

Paid For By Harder for Congress
